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iFR: Proven outcomes. Superior value. Document

iFR: Proven outcomes. Superior value.

Philips is dedicated to the advancement of physiology guided PCI. Since the introduction of hyperemia-free iFR modality in 2014, iFR has been studied in nearly 15,000 patients and used in over 4,000 cath labs around the world.
Proven outcomes. Superior value Document

Proven outcomes. Superior value

iFR in a class of its own. Only iFR has clinically validated patient outcome data in the largest physiology studies ever conducted. No other resting index has patient outcome data to support its use.
LAD deferral is safer with iFR Document

LAD deferral is safer with iFR

Summary of the DEFINE FLAIR LAD Sub-study data
Recommended iFR Co-registration workflow Document

Recommended iFR Co-registration workflow

Brief overview of the recommended iFR co-registration workflow.
DEFINE PCI Unseen focal lesions cause residual ischemia Document

DEFINE PCI Unseen focal lesions cause residual ischemia

1 in 4 patients with angiographically successful PCI left the cath lab with residual ischemia.Of the patients with residual ischemia, 81.6% were caused by an untreated angiographically inapparent physiologically focal stenosis (? 15 mm).
IntraSight, Interventional Applications Platform: Physiology & IVUS Document

IntraSight, Interventional Applications Platform: Physiology & IVUS

Smart. Simple. Seamless. Optimizing lab performance.
DEFINE PCI Results Video


Listen to Drs. Allen Jeremias, Gregg Stone, Habib Samady and Manesh Patel as they discuss the results of DEFINE PCI in the TCTMD roundtable: Is physiologic guidance the solution to residual ischemia? A closer look at DEFINE PCI.
DEFINE PCI Overview Video


Find out what Drs. Allen Jeremias, Gregg Stone, Habib Samady and Manesh Patel will discuss in the TCTMD roundtable series: Is physiologic guidance the solution to residual ischemia? A closer look at DEFINE PCI.

Showing 13 - 20 of 20 results

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