
Showing 25 - 36 of 40 results

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Pacemaker lead preparation Video

Pacemaker lead preparation

Robert Lewis, MD, talks about considerations for lead preparation.
Pre-case planning and lead preparation Video

Pre-case planning and lead preparation

Robert Lewis, MD, presents best practices about pre-procedural planning and lead preparation for vascular surgery.
Riata lead preparation Video

Riata lead preparation

Dr. Robert Lewis, Duke University School of Medicine, takes us through lead preparations and considerations for challenging defibrillator leads. Watch the step-by-step methods of prepping this specifically designed lead.
Lead preparation and design considerations Video

Lead preparation and design considerations

Robert Lewis, MD, presents about lead components, design, and preparation and how they pertain to a successful lead extraction.
See the latest innovation in mechanical lead extraction tools – TightRail Video

See the latest innovation in mechanical lead extraction tools – TightRail

To learn more about lead extraction, visit
Laser lead extraction Video

Laser lead extraction

See an abbreviated lead extraction with Dr. Jon Piccini (Duke).
Perspective on proactive lead management Video

Perspective on proactive lead management

In this short video, hear from Dr. Jon Piccini (Duke) on the importance of proactive lead management.
Dr. Manyam and Carl Boyton physician and patient management story Video

Dr. Manyam and Carl Boyton physician and patient management story

Making life better through proactive lead management. Hear the story of Carl Boyton and Dr. Harish Manyam (Erlanger).
Bridge Preparation & Deployment Video Guide Video

Bridge Preparation & Deployment Video Guide

Learn the clinical steps for Bridge prep and deployment in this 3 minute video from the University of Miami
Philips Noninfectious considerations for Lead Management Video

Philips Noninfectious considerations for Lead Management

As Dr. John Piccini from Duke said after his recent study comparing patients with and without abandoned leads, “The risks of lead abandonment are no longer theoretical.” What are the risks of lead abandonment? Watch this brief video to find out.
Philips VisiSheath Laser Lead Extraction Video

Philips VisiSheath Laser Lead Extraction

As the indications for removal of cardiac implanted electronic device leads have expanded, the demand for laser lead extraction has grown.
Philips TightRail Rotating Dilator Sheath Video

Philips TightRail Rotating Dilator Sheath

Philips TightRail provides a new option for lead extraction. With flexibility and greater control, and efficacy, this rotating dilator sheath is the next generation in lead extraction removal.

Showing 25 - 36 of 40 results

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