
Showing 25 - 35 of 35 results

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Patient success story in the OBL with Dr. Gerald Niedzwiecki Video

Patient success story in the OBL with Dr. Gerald Niedzwiecki

Dr. Gerald Niedzwiecki, Interventional Radiologist, describes a patient success story.
The impact of PAD with Dr. Fadi Saab Video

The impact of PAD with Dr. Fadi Saab

Dr. Fadi Saab, Advance Cardiac & Vascular Centers for Amputation Prevention, describes the importance of screenings and early diagnosis of PAD in patients.
Creating a CLI program with Dr. Fadi Saab Video

Creating a CLI program with Dr. Fadi Saab

Dr. Fadi Saab, Advance Cardiac & Vascular Centers for Amputation Prevention, talks about what it takes to create a successful CLI Center.
How to build a CLI program with David Konur Video

How to build a CLI program with David Konur

David Konur, FACHE, Chief Executive Officer of Cardiovascular Institute of the South, discusses the importance of having a multidisciplinary team to build a successful CLI program.
Peripheral arterial disease with Dr. Fadi Saab Video

Peripheral arterial disease with Dr. Fadi Saab

Dr. Fadi Saab, Advance Cardiac & Vascular Centers for Amputation Prevention, goes into detail about Peripheral Arterial Disease and how it affects the patient's body and quality of life.
PAD awareness with Dr. Eric Dippel Video

PAD awareness with Dr. Eric Dippel

Dr. Eric Dippel, Interventional Cardiologist at Vascular Institute of the Midwest, explains the importance of educating the community about Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD).
Preventing amputation with Dr. Gerald Niedzwiecki Video

Preventing amputation with Dr. Gerald Niedzwiecki

Dr. Gerald Niedzwiecki, Interventional Cardiologist, stresses that patients should seek treatment earlier to improve their quality of life.
Patient success story with Dr. Craig Walker Video

Patient success story with Dr. Craig Walker

Dr. Craig Walker, Interventional Cardiologist at Cardiovascular Institute of the South, recalls a patient story where a young female patient's leg was saved from amputation.
PAD is like cancer in your blood vessels with Dr. Eric Dippel Video

PAD is like cancer in your blood vessels with Dr. Eric Dippel

Dr. Eric Dippel, Interventional Cardiologist at Vascular Institute of the Midwest, explains the severity of PAD to patients as cancer of blood vessels to stress the importance of treatment to patients.
Patient success story with David Konur Video

Patient success story with David Konur

David Konur, FACHE, Chief Executive Officer of Cardiovascular Institute of the South, recalls a patient who had a knee replacement and developed a wound that wouldn't heal, but doctors were able to intervene and save the leg from amputation.
Get evaluated before it’s too late with Dr. Gerald Niedzwiecki Video

Get evaluated before it’s too late with Dr. Gerald Niedzwiecki

Dr. Gerald Niedzwiecki, Interventional Radiologist, advises patients not to wait to get evaluated and seek treatment.

Showing 25 - 35 of 35 results

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